
Diamond is a crystal of Light; its high frequency energy is dispersed into flashing prisms of brilliant “fire” that typifies the sun. It is a spiritual stone, a symbol of perfection and illumination, activating the Crown and Etheric Chakras. It enhances inner vision and stimulates creativity, imagination, and ingenuity, opening the mind to the “new” and “possible.” Placed on the Third Eye, a Diamond encourages psychic development, and is a valuable tool for remote viewing, telepathic communication and clairvoyance.

A symbol of purity, the Diamond’s pure white light helps to bring our lives into a cohesive whole. It brings love and clarity into partnerships, bonding relationships. Diamond is a sign of commitment and fidelity, and instills trust to relationships and situations. It inspires the forces of accumulation, attracting the manifestation of abundance. Diamond is an energy amplifier. It is a stone that never requires recharging. It will bring strength and endurance to all energies and will enhance the power of other crystals. However, beware, as this means it will increase negative energy as well as positive! Excellent for blocking electromagnetic stress and for protection against cell phone emanations. Diamond imparts fearlessness, invincibility and fortitude. It clears emotional and mental pain, reducing fear and bringing about new beginnings. Stimulates creativity, inventiveness, imagination and ingenuity. It brings clarity of mind and aids enlightenment. Diamond allows the soul light to shine out. It aids spiritual evolution and reminds you of your soul’s aspirations.

Diamond purifies and detoxifies all of the body’s systems, rebalancing the metabolism, and building up stamina, strength

In addition to its spiritual power, Diamond has an unconquerable hardness and has been known since antiquity as a “Stone of Invincibility,” bringing victory, superior strength, fortitude and courage to its wearer.

In addition to Diamond generic properties, specific colours have additional attributes:

  • Yellow Diamond: Makes us more considerate and thoughtful.
  • Blue Diamond: Strengthens willpower and inspires us to take better care of our health.
  • Pink Diamond: Used for creative expression.
  • Black Diamond: Gives us courage to look within without illusion.


Apatite enhances manifestation of ideas to reality and facilitates getting results, and has traditionally been associated with humanitarian efforts and teaching. As a Third-Eye Chakra Crystal, Apatite can initiate or increase the development of psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance and clairaudience. Meditation with an Apatite Crystal on the Third-Eye Chakra can open this chakra up to more subtle vibrations. Apatite is also known for bringing clarity of mind and expansion of insights, and is especially helpful when diligent study is needed to uncover the truth.

Also a powerful Throat Chakra stone, Apatite enhances communication and self-expression on all levels, making this a great stone for teachers. Apatite encourages openness and ease in social situations, a quality that makes it especially useful for autistic children. Apatite is a good stone for Gemini, and acts as a good balancer of energies, emotions, chakras, and subtle bodies, as well as the male and female aspects of the self.


Natural Citrine is a premier stone of manifestation, imagination, and personal will. This is the stone you want when you are wanting to manifest wealth and abundance into your life. Carrying the power of the sun, it is warm and comforting, energizing and life giving. Its frequency awakens creativity and imagination, and sustains the process of transforming dreams and wishes into tangible form. One word of warning though, Citrine Crystals are a variety of quartz and are closely related to Amethyst and much of the commercial Citrine on the market is actually heat-treated Amethyst or Smoky Quartz that produces an enhanced Citrine color, usually a deeper amber or orange-reddish shade. Most Natural Citrine is a pale yellow color. So be sure you are getting the real thing when you shop.

As it is a quartz it has a strong amplification ability and it's golden color also gives it the ability to activate the solar plexus, the seat of the will, it will help you to be decisive about what you will bring into your life, like abundance. It's a well known in crystal work as a success and prosperity stone to the point that it is called the "Success Stone." It is said to promote and manifest success and abundance in all areas, and in many ways. In addition to manifesting abundance, citrine also brings energies of generosity so that the prosperity and success is shared.

As an added bonus, Citrine is a fabulous stone to use to combat negative energy of any kind by breaking them up and dissipating them. It was used as a gem in Greece as far back as 300 B.C., and because of its color, is sometimes mistakenly referred to as Gold Topaz, Madeira or Spanish Topaz, or Safranite.


Selenite has always been associated with the light of heaven, or moonlight, and is named after the Greek Goddess of the moon, Selene. It works to help you to bring light down from the higher realms into the physical body, to create personal transformation and very quickly opens, balances and activates any chakra, but is especially good with the third eye, crown chakra, and the soul star chakra above the head. It bridges the conscious mind, with the super conscious mind bringing clarity in the bigger picture of things as Selenite will assist you to contact the Divine Mind and with access to the Angelic realm.

These are high vibration crystals, that cleanse the aura of negative energy build-up, both within the physical and the etheric body which also aids in clarity of mind. One of the things I like about Selenite is that it's said to evoke protection from the angelic realms and I use that every day of my life. It calms, brings deep peace, and offers access to past and future lives.

For me right now as I work on transitioning to a new normal in my ideas of fitness and nutrition, and I bring my entire new life on-line, this stone is one I gravitate to first. It reminds me of my spiritual connections and bonds, and gives me a sense of angelic presence all around.


The magnificent and holy Sapphire, in all its celestial hues, is a stone of wisdom and royalty, of prophecy and Divine favor... And, it's my birthstone. ;-)

In Hebrew lore, King Solomon and Abraham both wore talismans of Sapphire, and the Law given to Moses on the Mount was said to be engraved on tablets of Sapphire. The Greeks wore it for wisdom at Delphi when seeking answers from the Oracle at Apollo’s Shrine. Buddhists believed it brought devotion and spiritual enlightenment, and the Hindus considered Sapphire as one of the “great gems” used in offerings in the temples for worship and to align astrological influences. In Christianity it was used in ecclesiastical rings, and was cherished by kings and nobility for its powers of protection and insight.

Today, it is still known as the "wisdom stone", each color of Sapphire brings its own particular wisdom. I of course will always be partial to blue which stimulates the Throat and Third Eye Chakras, allowing one to access deeper levels of consciousness.

Sapphire also releases mental tension, depression, unwanted thoughts and spiritual confusion.It restores balance within the body, aligning the physical, mental and spiritual planes, bringing serenity and peace of mind.  It is a royal stone of learning, mental acuity and psychic activation, a seeker after spiritual truth. Its pure Blue Ray brings order and healing to the mind, lending strength and focus, and an ability to see beneath surface appearances to underlying truths and to utilize that knowledge.


The most widely known legend of this stone comes from the Middle Ages. It claims the “Blood Stone” was formed at the crucifixion, when the blood of Christ's wounds fell onto the dark green earth and turned to stone.
It is regarded as a gem of noble sacrifice and can offer courage and solace to all who are called to give of themselves for the good of others. It elicits the highest, most altruistic character of those who wear or carry it.
​It is an excellent blood cleanser and a powerful healing stone. It heightens intuition and increases creativity. It is grounding and protecting. Bloodstone draws off negative environmental energy, helping to overcome influences such as geopathic or electromagnetic stress.
It is an excellent crystal to help you to feel a stronger sense of determination, as it aids you to regain your personal power. These stones have strong metaphysical properties, and their vibration will aid you to find within yourself a deep sense of spiritual tenacity. They will build courage and strength of mind, to do what needs to be done within your individual reality. 

White Topaz:

The white topaz is a strikingly beautiful stone, often laced with golden edges or flecks. As with most white stones, the white topaz has is associated with the air element and clarity of vision, thoughts and emotions. Ancient Egyptians referred to white topaz as the "gem of the sun" and wore it as a way to invoke the protection of the Sun God Ra. The Romans also believed the topaz represented their sun god, Helios, and that this gem could strengthen insight and improve eyesight. One of the reasons I love it, is because it carries the energy of truth and assists you find clarity on your spiritual path. Topaz brings clarification to intent, which is so critical. It can help to determine exactly what is desired, so creation can be done consciously rather than by default. Something I've been learning a lot about during the last month of dream manifestation.You can use the vibration of this stone to aid you to manifest, as it has strong magnification energy.

This is also a strong healing stone... as they will help those who are listless and who are feeling low and in need of extra energy.


I’m going to share Azurite with you today as a stone for following your dreams, but Amethyst is also a really good dream stone and Clear Quartz which is a great amplifying stone so keep those in mind as well.

Azurite is a rubbing stone that prefers to be touched to release its energies, so when wearing, or carrying Azurite, remember to rub it often.

This is a truly beautiful and powerful stone. The rich vibrancy of its dark-blue energy resonates to the exact frequency of the Third-Eye Chakra, but when we are talking about remembering and following dreams, Azurite’s connection to the third eye chakra makes this stone known for guiding souls to enlightenment since the earliest civilizations began. Native Americans used Azurite as a sacred stone for communication with Indian Spirit Guides.  The Mayans are said to have used it for sacred, mystical communication via thought and one of my favorite qualities of this stone is that it’s excellent for connecting with sacred powers through religious music, such as Gregorian or Buddhist chants, choral music and hymns. 

Can you just feel the power of holding one of these beautiful stones while you sing or chant?

Its vibration makes it an excellent aid to stimulate psychic development because of its powerful effect on the third eye chakra. It is known to help you to have mystical experiences and may open you spiritually to a new understanding of yourself, and how your spirituality affects your life. 

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